Friday, May 6, 2011

Track Clinic

The season has finally started! Last night Mr. Stephen Wilkes hosted a track clinic to kick off the new year and educate any and all new track racers.
Despite the looming grey skies and spotty rain, there was a nice turnout with many old faces and a few new.

The night started with an open track so that everyone could get warmed up and the new additions could get a feel for riding on Mr. Bumpy. Stephen then gave a brief tutorial about racing track (the lines to know, passing, pace lines, etc) while the more seasoned racers demonstrated pace lines. The clinic folks then got to run their own pace line.

We then demonstrated a few different races, starting with a simple scratch race. After each race those in the clinic got the opportunity to try out the same race of their own. A miss and out followed and we ended with an A race (which kind? I don't remember..) It was a fairy windy night and a bit unseasonably cold, but it seems as though everyone enjoyed themselves and we finished up just as the rain came.

-Molly B!

1 comment:

  1. can your track daddy be a guest poster?

    and are you up for any more sewing??
