Thursday, December 29, 2011

Long Live Penrose!

 I know it's been awhile... actually it feels like forever.  This is a major opportunity for Penrose Park and it's sad velodrome to get the attention it deserves. Think about how many would benefit!
This is  a post re-posted from Facebook. Robert Mayfield and Scott Ogilvie have been incredibly vocal thus far in trying to get folks on board, so pass the word.
Recently, the Parks Bond Bill passed the board of alderman, which means that Saint Louis City Parks are going to be receiving more funding in the foreseeable future.

Can you imagine how incredible it would be if the 'rose got a proper resurfacing? It would attract more riders, more events, youth programs, junior racers, making a brighter future for a once great track!

We've had a great turnout the past few years and I know there's lots of people who've had great experiences up there. So everyone out there who, like me, have forever had the trajectory of their life changed by the Penrose Park Velodrome, write a letter to Alderman Charles Troupe and let him know how you feel about the track, how important it is, how the cycling community supports it and wants it to grow!

Alderman Charles Troupe
1200 Market St.
St. Louis, MO 63103

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